Gluten Free Scallion Oil Noodles

Gluten free Scallion Oil Noodles with a sprinkle of homemade Sichuan peppercorn chili oil.

What’s your favorite Asian dish? Or, which Asian dish do you miss the most since going gluten free? Here, we have gluten free Scallion Oil Noodles with a sprinkle of homemade Sichuan peppercorn chili oil with baby bok choy and shiitake mushrooms sautéed in a gluten free hot and spicy brown sauce. Our Scallion Oil Noodles recipe was converted to be gluten free and inspired by China Sichuan Food. Check out our reels to see how we made it! Let us know in the comments if you would like to see this one written up!

gluten free scallion oil noodles


Related: What is Gluten? What is Gluten Free?

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