What is Gluten? What is Gluten Free?

We put together this resource so that everyone can have a guide to what is and isn’t gluten free in their back pockets.

What is gluten? If you didn’t grow up in a gluten free household, going gluten free for any reason, whether by preference or necessity, has its initial challenges. You might find yourself out and about and concerningly wondering, “What Mexican food is gluten free? What Chinese food is gluten free? What breakfast sausage is gluten free? What gin is gluten free? Is there a gluten free menu at Starbucks? What is gluten free at 110 Grill? What ice cream is gluten free?”

Getting a handle on what contains gluten and what is gluten free can be tricky. It is relatively easy to learn the basics, e.g., anything derived from wheat, barley, or rye contains gluten. Although, with so many different names for gluten, identifying whether something is safe to consume or not can be difficult. It can be especially tough when you’re just learning to navigate a gluten free life or if you’re someone who doesn’t need to be gluten free but wants to prepare food for friends, family members, or guests who need to be. 

To make the transition to becoming gluten free a little easier, we’ve put together this “What is Gluten? What is Gluten Free?” resource so that everyone can have a guide to what is and isn’t gluten free in their back pockets. Download a printable version here.

This post is the beginning of a series covering the specifics of gluten versus gluten free and comparable alternatives for cooking and baking, so be sure to subscribe to be the first notified about more info!

Have comments, questions, an idea you’d like to share, or just want to say hi? Send us a note or tell us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

What is Gluten?

  • Ale
  • Barley
  • Beer
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Bulger
  • Couscous
  • Dinkel
  • Durum
  • Einkorn
  • Emmer
  • Farina
  • Farro (or Faro)
  • Graham flour
  • Hydrolyzed wheat protein
  • Kamut® (or Khorasan wheat)
  • Lager
  • Malt
  • Malt extract, syrup or flavoring
  • Malt vinegar
  • Rye
  • Seitan
  • Semolina
  • Soy sauce
  • Spelt
  • Stout
  • Triticale
  • Wheat
  • Wheat bran
  • Wheat germ
  • Wheat flour

What is Gluten Free?

  • Amaranth
  • Arrowroot
  • Buckwheat
  • Chia
  • Corn
  • Corn starch
  • Flax
  • Legume flours
  • Mesquite flour
  • Millet
  • Nut flours
  • Certified GF oat flour
  • Potato flour
  • Potato starch
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Rice bran
  • Sago
  • Sorghum
  • Soy (*not soy sauce)
  • Sweet potato flour
  • Tapioca (cassava)
  • Gluten free tamari
  • Teff

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